Talent Quest Entry Form Kids on Key Talent Quest Entry Form Date of Talent Quest Sunday 2nd JuneVenue St Louis de Montford School Hall, 37 Dolphin St, AspendaleName of child(Required)School your child attends(Required)Grade(Required)Instrument(Required)Name of your child’s music teacher(Required)Please choose your child’s playing level(Required)Select playing levelBeginner – has been learning les than 12 monthsIntermediate - has been learning between 1-3 yearsAdvanced – has been learning 3 plus yearsDo you wish to enter your child as a duo or soloist?(Required)Select formatDuoSoloistIf your child is entering in a duo or group item please list the other student/s they will be performing withIn order to keep things manageable I understand that the performance limit for my child is 2.5 mins maximum.(Required) Yes I understand that my child’s music teacher might not be there on the day so my child will need to be able to perform independently(Required) Yes I understand that there is a $15 entry fee for all competitors and this payment is non refundable(Required) Yes Entry Fee Quantity(Required) Price: $ 15.00 Quantity Credit Card(Required)Card Details Cardholder Name